MeetFighters News

Merry Christmas and happy new year

Dear Fighters,


As most of us could not meet fighters this year, we thought it might be nice to send virtual good wishes.
So we decided to provide entirely for free for all members of MeetFighters unlimited E-Cards with different designs to send to your (wrestling) friends.
The receiver can see your E-Card in his E-Mail or browser. No account required.

–> Choose a card, add a nice line, and send it to your friend.

ChatFighters: Need some fun during the holiday season? ChatFighter launches his next Cyber-Fight-Tournament organized by the community. If you stay at home during the holiday season - like most of us - we happily invite you to have a look at it yourself and maybe consider joining.

2020 is almost over. Stay safe, be careful, and enjoy the Holidays.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year,


Last edited on 12/20/2020 11:07 PM by Admin



Boxe (5)

12/20/2020 11:18 PM

Nice to know. Keep up the good work!


Sml69 (2)

12/20/2020 11:20 PM

Thanks for doing this! Merry Christmas!


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

12/20/2020 11:20 PM

thank u for the free e-cards, most appreciated, but unfortunately the holiday I celebrated at this time of year ended at sunset Friday of the week ending yesterday (Dec10-18)...but thanks for the thoughts, hopefully next year those who celebrate Chanukah will not be left out but I appreciate your good thoughts.


Judomonkey (75)

12/21/2020 8:46 AM

(In reply to this)

Today is the winter solstice and the Northern Hemisphere tips back towards the sun... there are always opportunities to celebrate with others rather than focus on what was missed... keep the positive vibe and the move to better days with others.


Kolter (11)

12/21/2020 4:53 PM

(In reply to this)

A bit late but Happy Chanukah!


Passandre92 (0 )

12/20/2020 11:24 PM

Stay safe you all, we'll hopefully fight next year!


luiz carlos (36)

12/20/2020 11:38 PM

thank you very much ........... in 2021, we continue
together, for sure. merry christmas and a prosperous
2021. thanks


wrestler251 (7 )

12/20/2020 11:53 PM

thanks a lot and merry Christmas for every one .


ShaneHannagan (32)

12/20/2020 11:53 PM

Merry Christmas all!


Roborobinson (1)

12/21/2020 12:07 AM

Thankyou, your site has kept my going through this awfull time. many good years to come i hope. xxx


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

12/21/2020 12:08 AM

Happy belated Chanukah to all


alexxwrestler (222)

12/21/2020 12:24 AM

Happy Xmas for everyone and I wish you a much better new year to fight rather than this messy 2020 🙄😜

Thank you Admin for all your work and effort here on the website, great job! :)



bounder (2)

12/21/2020 12:29 AM

Very cool! thanks.


Adam J (18)

12/21/2020 12:30 AM

Nice card and Merry Christmas to everyone, hope to get back in the wrestling saddle in the New Year.


slick (42)

12/21/2020 12:47 AM

Bah Humbug!



12/21/2020 1:21 AM



rjbklyn (4)

12/21/2020 3:11 AM

This is a very kind and generous jester thank you and May your Holiday's be filed with joy.


sisuperman (10)

12/21/2020 3:19 AM

Thank you....Merry Christmas and a Safe and Healthy 2021


painauthority (2)

12/21/2020 3:45 AM

awesome thanks! and best to you for next year


donner1 (27)

12/21/2020 4:09 AM

This is great!!! Stay safe, it is not the same but alive!!! Merry Christmas!! May we have a better 2021, getting the virus under control, and new leadership to lead our nation together and not apart.


mainewrestlingchub (33)

12/21/2020 4:19 AM

Thanks so much! Merry Christmas to all...and to all a MUCH better 2021!


Sonicboom238 (0)

12/21/2020 4:24 AM

🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 awesome happy new year and merry Christmas


COwrestler53 (7)

12/21/2020 4:26 AM

Thanks for all you do, Merry Christmas to all of you!


tonyboy (17 )

12/21/2020 4:28 AM

Merry Christmas and to all of you a safe and happy new year as we go into 2021 lets hope this pandemic comes to an end!


Kolter (11)

12/21/2020 5:22 AM

Thank you very much.
What you do is very appreciate.
Take care everyone.
Happy Holidays and Joyeux Noel!


MuscleSportAZ (60)

12/21/2020 5:22 AM

Thanks guys!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for keeping up such a great site for all of us. Your work and dedication doesn’t go unnoticed. E cards was a great idea.


Alecmusc (24)

12/21/2020 5:29 AM

Great idea. Thanks for doing it


HarborBoxer (0)

12/21/2020 5:40 AM

Thank you so much and I love your site and love all the people I've gotten to know this site Happy Holidays to you guys


atwoodfred (15)

12/21/2020 6:34 AM

a meaningful Christmas, happy Boxing Day and hopes for a "new and improved" year in 2021



12/21/2020 7:43 AM

Beat covid.. Go virtual!!
Merry Christmas one and all.
Let's not grapple anymore with 2020..
Lets all make 2021 submit and be the jobber instead..


dadwrestle (339)

12/21/2020 8:39 AM

Happy Christmas! Keep safe and here's to hitting the mats again sometime in 2021!


MudFighterMel (0)

12/21/2020 9:23 AM

Great idea guys and very thoughtful am sure many will make good use of the cards! The cyber fighting event should also be popular although I know it can't make up for missing real wrestling and fighting as we all do but it will at least exercise our minds and maybe we can pick up some new and maybe 'out there' ideas to put into a real match/fight when finally we can wrestle/fight again. Merry but most of all safe Christmas to all and a Happy and healthy 2021!


Lederraufer (18)

12/21/2020 10:02 AM

Vielen dank ich wünsche allen ein gesundes Jahr 2021


bayridgefighter (3 )

12/21/2020 10:11 AM

hi folks what a year we went through already.. we've dealt with too many unknowns and false information and false hopes from our leaders Democrats and Republicans.. We are ust too exhausted be playing the game "crows and cranes". We always have to be cautious and alert during this pandemic.. Just like we had with 10 + years during the pikes and lows in somewhat manageable AIDS crisis..Many took precautions and many risks back then the scary time back then. I hope we learn from that experience which is still going on as a crisis but it's more manageable now.. so let's hope we can tell the rest of the world what we have to go through and two don't let your guard down let's all work together as a team to eradicate this monster pandemic we're all going through Merry Christmas and best wishes for Happy saner New Year


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

12/21/2020 11:55 AM

(In reply to this)

Well said, my man!


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

12/21/2020 11:53 AM

So great that MF is offering this. Let's all stay strong and safe and healthy. Hopefully the beatdowns will start up again in 2021!


Alecmusc (24)

12/21/2020 1:04 PM

A merry and safe Christmas and may 2021 be just a bit kinder and allow us to wrestle.



12/21/2020 1:14 PM

Thanks a lot!!! And i wanna wish merry xmas and happy new year for all meetfighetrs wrestlers, gladiators, boxers! I am sure 2021 it will be better!


nukite (0)

12/21/2020 2:03 PM

Thank you! Merry Xmas to you! Hot Santa! :-)


Wayne (0 )

12/21/2020 2:05 PM

Merry Christmas all, hoping for a better 2021 for all, and lots of bear hugs for all


fitwrestlerabs (21)

12/21/2020 2:25 PM

Very thoughtful of you and all the crew at Meet Fighters to brighten this sad year. Hope all are healthy, safe and happy in the new year.


PhoenixBigBear (19 )

12/21/2020 2:53 PM

Your work year round is appreciated by all of us, and this wonderful card tops the year!
Thanks for all you do, and may the good blessings of the Season be yours through 2021!!!


skweezhard (8 )

12/21/2020 3:02 PM

Happy Holidays for everyone!

Thank you Admin ... Keeping this wonderful site running this past year is much appreciated!

Here's to an improving 2021


amateurjase (4 )

12/21/2020 3:49 PM

Happy holidays everyone!


Rex Thomas (7)

12/21/2020 6:35 PM

Thank you!


launce (0)

12/21/2020 10:25 PM

Thank You and Happy Holidays to ALL!!


moremuscle (0)

12/21/2020 10:33 PM

Cool little feature thank you! And Merry Christmas to you Admin and thank you for all the work you do to keep this site up and running! Cheers! :D


Flwresler (38)

12/22/2020 8:44 PM

Nice.... Ho Ho HO !


rufwrestler2 (3)

12/22/2020 11:15 PM

Happy holidays and hopefully we will all get dropped, slugged, or be the slugger and dropper very soon. :)


tote (39)

12/23/2020 2:44 AM

Happy and safe holidays for you!
Thanks for your good job to keep the site working.



12/23/2020 4:53 PM

Thank you and Happy Holidays!


waltyfight (34)

12/25/2020 12:25 AM

Thank you for keeping alive for the future.We all hope in a new year which could born and knock definitely down this fucking covid-19.
This virus has only temporarily killed the desire to meet people on the mat.He will not win in 2021!
Hugs from Taranto,Italy.


Takushitsu (10 )

12/25/2020 5:57 PM

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you all the best and, of course, great fights! :D
