hephaestion2014's blog

random musing, jobber vs. jobber

Whilst I was supposed to be focusing at work, a stray thought popped into my mind.

Thinking about the heel/jobber dichotomy, I could imagine obviously a heel vs jobber match, and a heel vs heel match. Both of these are about power control and dominance.

But then I wondered about a jobber vs jobber match.

Now I know superficially the term jobber can be seen as weakness but I know from this site that a lot of the guys who identified as jobber are tough guys who could put some heels to shame, if they choose to.

So I wondered what a jobber vs jobber match would be like.

Perhaps I should stop musing about silly things and go to bed.

Last edited on 7/31/2014 9:21 AM by hephaestion2014
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