edscissors's blog

I always think it's sad when someone registers on our fine site, maybe even uploads some profile photos, perhaps chats a bit ... then disappears again without warning. All within 24 hours.

I wonder if Admin sends an "exit" message, an invitation to say why the site didn't work out for the departing member?

Last edited on 11/04/2017 4:51 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)

Oh dear - I tried really hard this evening but I could make neither head nor tail of our MF chatroom!

Once I saw how to do so, I exchanged two quick series of messages (chats) with two good friends who happened to be online ... but with whom the same messages might well have been exchanged, though maybe a bit slower, in the usual way.

I sent a couple of greetings to the assembled company but didn't understand the next few minutes' messages at all: did they refer to what I had written? Were they part of some ongoing conversation of which I had no knowledge? For me, gibberish. Sorry, all!

I try really hard with "Infotech". One of the guys with whom I chatted in "CHAT" is in fact older than me but apparently had no trouble in decipering what had been written in the minutes after my chat-message. Well done, "Peter".

I think I'll just stick with the old-fashioned way. I send you a message ... you reply ... I respond if necessary ... remember? Our MF site seems to work pretty well in this old-fashioned way ... but I shall certainly click again on "chat" one day and maybe hope to make some sense of it despite the fact that I am SO old (61).


Last edited on 10/21/2017 11:45 PM by edscissors; 9 comment(s)

I always thought of myself as a young man ... but suddenly I am 61. It's mad.

MF brings people together - so brilliantly. It's probably fairly easy to find good people to fight if you are in shape, youngish. Not so easy if you are big, old, and would just like to find some young guys who love applying certain holds - on YOU.

I'm here to assure you that such paragons DO exist.

Mad I know but I like being put in headscissors. Yes: I've been blocked ... but by and large I want to pay tribute to the lovely young people with whom I am in contact. SO open, SO tolerant, SO friendly, SO comfortable with their own bodies. You are amazing.


Last edited on 10/14/2017 10:00 PM by edscissors; 2 comment(s)

This afternoon I've had a really enjoyable exchange of messages with a guy only recently signed up to our site. I think I'd like to meet him but he lives in Italy and I'd have to book flights and hotel before I discover whether he's "for real".

During the afternoon I've felt more and more inclined to trust him. I've told him more about myself; he's told me more about himself. I think we like each other!

Usually, I'd want to exchange messages for a good time before committing but as the afternoon has progressed, I feel more and more inclined to trust him, despite the fact that I'd be his first opponent here on MF. I think we're about to Skype so this should be the deal-breaker or the deal-maker.

I'm always wary, though. Not so long ago, I was scammed by a young man, a "penurious student", who lives near Canterbury (Kent, UK). He's still on this site under a different name so WATCH OUT: don't pay putative taxi fares into a member's bank account in advance! Pay the fare, perhaps, but only once the opponent arrives as planned at your rendez-vous.

Should I book my flights to Italy? I already like this young guy and feel ready to "go for it" ... but I've told him my bad story and think he now understands why I'm going to be a bit careful and maybe insist on a Skype chat before I sign on the dotted line ... and buy my plane tickets.

Last edited on 10/14/2017 9:44 PM by edscissors; 10 comment(s)

I'm old, un-fit ... but in the last few months I've had several excellent meetings, made friends, had some wonderful on-going chats about all sorts of things (anyone else fascinated by "Time Team" on UK tv?).

Meetfighters is a wonderful site. Just thought I'd remind you all!

I've already booked my hotel for WrestleFest in February 2018. Come to New York, friends!


The photo shows the bank of lifts in the "official" hotel. Next year I'm staying elsewhere, just a couple of blocks away but this photo will bring back some memories for some of you.

Last edited on 10/02/2017 11:10 AM by edscissors; 2 comment(s)