edscissors's blog

I am one of the early beneficiaries of this new system. Thank you, Admin, for this superb tweak to an already excellent, full-featured site.

A couple of days ago I responded, quite on the off-chance, to one of the first bunch of requests and blow me if, six hours later, I wasn't in a rapidly-booked Travelodge room 40 miles away waiting for the match requester to turn up! He arrived as promised and our session was such fun - and all the better for being totally unexpected. Just a few hours earlier, neither of us had even been aware of the other's existence but by taking a risk on the spur of the moment I met one of the nicest, kindest (and strongest!) guys you could ever hope to encounter. As an MF friend suggested to me recently, unexpected good things can arrive from totally unexpected places.

After an unfortunate experience a while back (see an earlier blog entry) I just asked for the poster's mobile number and gave him a quick call before booking the hotel room or setting out - thus, of course, giving him my mobile number too. He sounded a nice guy so off I went, fully reassured. So glad I did!

I am now tempted to put up a request myself ... and may well do so - though as I don't publish a public photo, maybe that'll be a problem. Let's see!

Thanks, MeetFighters!

Last edited on 9/01/2016 9:48 PM by edscissors; 7 comment(s)

This will either get masses of 5 stars ... or universal 1 star rating: I'm preparing myself for the worst.

Some of my blog entries have elicited carefully considered written responses - for which I have always tried to offer respectful thanks to the authors, whether they agree with me or not.

Awarding one star, however, and not offering any comment, seems to me a soft option. It's your right on our fine site, of course, but I have noticed that those who award one star rarely send a comment and thereby remain anonymous.

Today, someone commented on a previous entry in my blog and (if I am reading the signs right) he clicked on 3*. An absolutely fair assessment taken in the spirit it was meant - of constructive criticism - with the reasoned and reasonable comment.

And now, I think I'd better retire behind a convenient hedge before the barrage of flack gets going!


Last edited on 8/19/2016 6:04 PM by edscissors; 8 comment(s)

I'm 60 and I love being headscissored. I want to find nice young guys to give me a good squeeze. No sex - just a good squeeze. I'm safe, polite, clean, appreciative, not embarrassing. MF being the wonderful site it is, I've found some good squeezes, thank you. Sadly, I've been blocked a couple of times (e.g., most recently by N**** who sounds like such a nice, tolerant guy) when young people see my age. (This is a real bug-bear for me: blocking should never be necessary. Just tell me that you're not interested and I'll never bother you again.)

Now, this week, I've been contacted by a nice young guy half a world away (I'm in the UK) who has noted that I've been head scissored and wants to know what it's like. He wants so much to get a squeeze himself but says that he is too young, that people want him to be "experienced" before they'll meet him.

Mad or what?

I don't know what the answer is but I suppose I find some consolation, aged 60, that apparently being old, being fat and out of shape aren't necessarily the only blocks to finding really nice people for a bit of fun and the odd head scissor squeeze here at MF. Being too young, fit, looking good in your kit: apparently that's no good either.

E-mail me if you'd like to give a nice young guy in the southern USA his first, wished-for experience of a head scissor squeeze.

And e-mail me too if you're young, strong, smooth and would be ok to head scissor a nice older guy (me!) In Kent, London or southeast UK.


Last edited on 8/18/2016 1:28 PM by edscissors; 6 comment(s)

I've recently had a bad experience here on MF.

I had hoped to meet a young local guy here in Kent UK and we arranged a time and place. He said that no-one escaped his headscissors and, if you look at my profile you'll see why I was keen to meet him.

We arranged a meeting but he asked me (he said he is a student, after all) to help him with his fare. My alarm bells rang but in the end (I'm a nice guy) I decided to send him half his fare to my place in Canterbury, direct into his bank account - just to help a penurious student.

I waited, and waited, then the day before we were supposed to meet, he BLOCKED me.

Could be a police matter - but I'd really like to think the best of this guy and give him a way to come back from the place he has got himself. (Young man - if you read this, and say sorry, I'd still like to meet you.)

ADMIN gave me advice - superb as ever. I've set up an abuse flag on this boy's account. I know of one other MF member who has been asked for money by this guy.

As Admin suggested to me, if this happens, by all means pay the taxi fare ... but only on arrival at the venue!

UPDATE: Another member put an abuse flag on this boy's account and, surprise, surprise, he closed down the account. He (or someone extraordinarily like him!) seems to have set up a fresh, sparkling new account. I contacted the "new guy" offering a way back but after a couple of hurt messages expressing surprise that I should think ill of him, he has blocked me again. A sad story altogether but if I can help someone else avoid being taken for a ride, this blog entry will have been worthwhile.


Last edited on 9/07/2016 4:27 PM by edscissors; 3 comment(s)

I have favourites all over the place and when one checks in it's remarkable how often the exciting "ping" sounds and the pop-up (actually, of course, more a "slide-down") announces that a potential friend is online. (Ah, hello, SB - I see you've just logged on!)

Interesting, too, to see at what time people log on, write messages. I have MF friends in the USA (I'm UK - ah, hello, G****, just logged on!) and, though they are 5 or 6 hours behind me, they seem sometimes to pick up and respond to messages at 1 or 2 a.m. (their time). But I also confess that if I wake in the small hours, maybe hoping for a message from someone where it is only 9 p.m., I do sometimes log on ... and even reply at 2 a.m.!

So: is this site addictive?

Possibly. But not in a bad way: it is just a really nice, good place to be ... and maybe this is why MF members tend to check in so frequently, at all hours of the day or night. ADMIN has sometimes (very galantly) urged us not to "diss" certain other sites in our appreciation of MF. I respect ADMIN very much so will only say that I think our site is a model of clarity and design, generosity of spirit, full functionality and that it seems, therefore, by and large, to have attracted some fine, very decent and honorable people into membership.

Last edited on 10/11/2015 3:16 PM by edscissors; 1 comment(s)