buddystl's blog

"Why don't you like that guy"

None of the following is new or recent, but I'm often asked why I avoid a certain someone. This is why.

I am a stand up guy, I don't lie, and I believe friendship matters. I abhor the way with which some bad actors treat others, and I avoid those individuals. It's no secret that I do not care for a certain local, but lots of folks don't know why; and they ask me often. I hate having to go through all of it for each person who asks, so here it is. You can read why for yourself. All of the following is completely true and verifiable through others on this site. It's a long story, but I'll summarize it as best I can.

1. I hired this person to dog sit for a day. We were good enough acquaintances and he volunteered. I even paid him $50 for the effort. A week or so after ward, I saw pictures of him on his profile of him in new gear that resembled a singlet I had had custom made. When I asked him, he flat our admitted to going through my drawers and searching specifically for that singlet. He took it, and had his friend copy it. Then, he put my gear on and took pics of himself in it before eventually returning it to my home. Those are the facts, undeniable. He's even admitted it to others when questioned, and never once apologized to me for betraying that trust.

2. I got him a job making nearly 80k per year where I worked because he was unemployed and near destitute. We both witnessed a felony occur at work, and as we worked in HR, it was our duty to report it. After I reported it, this person became a coward and refused to speak up when questioned about it. As a result, I ended up losing my job for "making a false report." To be clear, we both worked for a federal contractor and were legally obligated to report what we saw. He admitted to certain individuals and to me that he had witnessed the incident. After putting my neck out there for him to get him the job, I truly feel it is absolutely unforgivable for him to cover up the truth or lie and cost me my job.

3. This person continuously contacts out of towners who are coming to town to wrestle other locals and hijacks their meetings. In essence, he lies to his wife about where he's going and what he's doing, and uses that as justification to get traveling wrestlers to change the time or cancel meets they had scheduled with other locals just to fit him in because he only has an hour or two free–which usually happens to be when others are scheduled to meet.

4. He also dumps his meeting on others regardless of the time of day. One guy from out of town actually called me after midnight stating that he was given my number by this person. Said he was told by this person to contact me since the "bad actor" couldn't get away from his wife. He's also known to make arrangements with out of town folks to pay for a hotel for them or even half of the hotel if they come to town. Often, he stiffs them. I recall being asked by one person who called me at the last moment after this person cancelled on them, to pay for half of the room because this "bad actor" had wrestled and then split without covering his agreed upon amount.

5. Lastly, this person and I spent exactly 2 hours ONE TIME going over some pro moves and talking about what it was like for me when I was a pro wrestler. Since then, he has used my name and reputation to get matches by saying that I had trained him how to be a pro. For the record, training to be a pro wrestler takes the better part of a year before you even have down the basics. I have not ever trained anyone on meetfighters or globalfight to be a professional wrestler. Never once, never ever.

I have so many reasons to despise this person for all of the stuff he's done that's affected me. But that doesn't even touch on why most locals avoid him. Typically, the pattern of use and abuse from him starts when he blows smoke up someone's rear about how he wants to wrestle them, and be friends, etc etc. This becomes a wrestling date. Then soon it becomes a situation where he brings someone to their house to wrestle together. Then he brings folks to their house to use their space and wrestle privately. And eventually he asks for a key and free run of the person's home so he can wrestle and not have to pay for a hotel and risk getting caught. He's been booted from several homes for burned bridges like this, and in one case even put holes in the person's walls without repairing them, so that the landlord saw and it cost the renter their security deposit.

So why doesn't everyone avoid this guy, I hear you ask. DAMN GOOD QUESTION. TBH, the answer is money. He literally buys friends. In my case, after our first meeting, he gave me a 20 dollar gas card–for no reason. For others, he buys them those cheap puzzle mats–mostly so he can use their space and have some form of mat there. Recently, he's been treating some folks to free sporting event tickets and meals to romance and buy their friendship. I think we all know some folks are more willing to sell their souls than others. And of course there's the prevailing attitude that the weak have who say "well he never did anything to me."

For my own part, I've always felt that being raised in a small town, I was raised right. I treat folks as I want to be treated. And I avoid people who don't have a moral compass. In the end, I feel that my choice to avoid this person is more than warranted.

Last edited on 8/10/2023 5:07 AM by buddystl



AhmetEr (1)

8/13/2023 1:23 AM

Ironically, I would love to see you to fight it out haha


buddystl (45 )

8/13/2023 4:09 AM

(In reply to this)

I’d be happy to kick his ass!
