- 1/29/2017
- british wrestling
Posted by walsallgoodguySaturday 4th feb in batley show with 8 matches,featuring me ripper roger,pitbull warrior,rob england,chris chaos and more, and a rumble to finish. - 1/27/2017
- An older UK guy flying to New York - should be fun
Posted by edscissorsI am so lucky: I can afford to spend a long, long weekend, Wednesday to Monday, in New York during WrestleFest 2017. - 1/25/2017
- Punching & Getting Punched - for the love of it
Posted by punchpignycHaven't posted a blog for a while but got some nice response to my video with Slugfest - really fine time with him - he's editing the second video and - 1/25/2017
- How I became a wrestling fan...
Posted by Wrestlingfan14When I was a kid I read "The Iliad" and when I finished reading the following part, I became a big fan of Alpha Males who like fighting each other. - 1/21/2017
- An unexpected hard match
Posted by alpinistoAs planned I was going to Berlin in the middle of January, where I of course was to wrestle kleiner kerl again, plus what other wrestlers who could - 1/19/2017
- Mysterious and Intense Opening
Posted by brianspVia text messages we engaged in some serious trash talk and figured we were pretty compatible. - 1/18/2017
- 1st Session after nearly 12 months
Posted by bogeyedmonkAfter breaking 2 ribs on my left side in a session last Feb, it took me a while to get healed and get my confidence back to get back into action. - 1/17/2017
- Faceless Member Verification
Posted by AdminHello everyone, A few days ago [[news/2017-01-13|we introduced Member Verification]], a new site feature designed to address a dark aspect of social sites: fake profiles. - 1/13/2017
- Member Verification Is Here
Posted by AdminRIGHT Hello Fighters! - 1/12/2017
- Next round
Posted by hugefanSo this isn't really a blog it's an update of a recommendation. I know, hell fire of meetfighters accuracy protocols will rain upon me but hey I am a - 1/11/2017
- It begins
Posted by Wrestle in londonSo after a couple of false starts my return to wrestling begins today. I've got a hot jobber waiting for me and I can't wait to dish out some - 1/07/2017
- The Road Back (A boxer's tale)
Posted by blackboxer“FOUR” Is the first thing I remembered hearing. I couldn’t recall what happened, but I knew I wasn’t supposed to be laying on the canvas. - 1/03/2017
- Out of control
Posted by ClackA weak light was shining trough the shatters of the old house when Jack arrived. - 1/02/2017
- 1/2/17 Why do they do it?
Posted by GuysmileyWe've all had it happen - no shows. But honestly, I don't get it. I issued a challenge for a match for January 1 and a local fellow responded. - 1/02/2017
- NY Trip Debrief
Posted by synxiecI got to visit plenty of family, but didn't get a lot of anything else done aside from collecting a list of people that I want to wrestle and another - 1/01/2017
- Hotel wrestling in December
Posted by alpinistoFor half a year Tuviaz had planned to visit Copenhagen, and when he finally did I was lucky to be able to wrestle him in his hotel room, as the few - 12/30/2016
- help with trunks
Posted by boxinboy82Ok I am looking for very wide waistband long boxing trunks. Any suggestions on where to get some that won't break the bank please? Thanks guys! - 12/30/2016
- 2017 - The Year of Wrestling
Posted by Wrestle in londonSo, in relation to my last blog about how difficult 2016 has been for me I'm looking at what 2017 means to me and how I can move forward. - 12/28/2016
- Bad timing on my part
Posted by RocketI will be around here but not terribly active. I was involved in a car accident this past summer. - 12/25/2016
- Christmas Trip
Posted by synxiecSo it's about that time! I'm taking a small trip with the family to Jersey and from there, I'll be visiting NY for a day or two to see relatives there.