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Member since 8.7 years
Age 46
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 185 lbs (84 kg)
Gender Male
Gear anything to nothing
Languages spoken English
Last login yesterday
Last update 14 days ago



Show on map
  1. USA - Pennsylvania, Indiana
    (I'm here until 3/01/2025)
  2. USA - Pennsylvania, Dillsburg
    (I'm here between 4/08/2024 and 4/10/2024)
    At corporate for training

I am willing to travel 150 miles

Past opponents


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, I have access to mats, Friendship

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Want sex, Jackoff, Naked wrestling, Rip and strip

Followers of vocaljock


Slowly getting better. I'm finding some great guys who are willing to teach me a little and then get to roll. You can't get better without wrestling with people. D & D free.

If you are into something that I'm not, I'll tell ya. For the most part, I'm a fairly vanilla guy. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some things that I'm interested in trying. I don't think of myself as having an ego. So whether or not I win is not important to me. I enjoy the struggle and physical contact.

I also help brawl_mart with his festing site. www.brawliesfest.
While the page is NOT fancy, it has the bare bones for everyone who attends his fest to register. If you have questions or need something cleared up concerning the site, feel free to msg me.


vocaljock has no cyber opponents.