Upcoming Wrestlefest Events
The term Wrestlefest emerged and now represents the largest events hosted by our community, with hundreds of members joining. Some of our members have graciously organized these for many years now!
We are happy to see that after the success of Wrestlefest NYC and Wrestlefest Canada, Europe is now joining for the very first time!
Wrestlefest NYC is just around the corner, coming up in February. And for the first time, we are excited to see the launch of Wrestlefest Europe in Berlin this May. So if you ever wanted to visit Berlin in summer, this might be a good time!
These events bring together hundreds of members from our community for a whole bunch of different activities, including dinners, clubs, social events, and (of course!) Open Mats.
There is no better place than Wrestlefest to get your past opponent counter spinning and Meet some Fighters!
We hope you’ll join these free events, proudly sponsored by MeetFighters. Click on the links below to learn more:
Wrestlefest Events:
Past events: