SPORTINPARIS is recommended by romandiewrestler (9/23/2011)
I wrestled him a few years ago. Very good fighter, sexy body, good-looking guy! He has a good technique and is very eager to win. We fought during five rounds and he eventually won 3-2. A very good fight indeed!
Funfightingneil is recommended by wrestle fun (9/22/2011)
Met Neil for the 3rd time today, reliable and really nice guy who made me feel very welcome when I arrived.
His wrestling is definately improving and well worth a match, looking forward to our next match.
mattz4fun is recommended by fghter (9/22/2011)
This guy is the real deal! And a super good dude. I've fought him a bunch of times. He's strong, built like a ripped tank, , and really skilled. A GREAT fighter with an even greater attitude. If you get challenged by him you've got a fantastic match ahead of you.
midblue is recommended by Jorgefighter (9/22/2011)
I was very lucky he was injured when we met... Otherwise, I have a strong feeling I would not have left the mat in one piece. Good fighter, strong, with stamina, a natural born winner. A great tour leader, too. You know i want a rematch, too, always roughest, always hardest. Sí que puede ser.
Jorgefighter is recommended by midblue (9/21/2011)
what else can I add about him? THE warrior by nature...Rough,tough,fit,safe and sane,makes every round,every tap,every hold/move a challenge,keeping it hard,fun and cool :) outside matz a good heart,as every grizzly is,deep down;has defects,doesn't understand the 80's were never as awesome as the 50's LOL Rematch at Barcelona,"amigo",rougher,longer,fun as always matches for many years...Pode ser ?? =)
SPORTINPARIS is recommended by ARGONSA1 (9/21/2011)
très sympathique et bon lutteur !
polo62 is recommended by fallnangel (9/21/2011)
Had a great evening of wrestling and scrapping around. Good opponent and really nice guy too. Did plently of boxing ... wrestling and submission action. Hope to have more meets.
MacSlay is recommended by madridwrestler (9/20/2011)
If you are looking for a good wrestling match he is the guy to meet. He is just an athlete and knows his way on mats. Very strong and skilled wrestler so i had no chances to win against him. One of the bests wrestlers, if not the best in his weight category, i have met so far. Absolutely recommended!!
scotpal is recommended by mikecumbria (9/19/2011)
Lewis came to my matroom to wrestle for the third time this afternoon and again we had a great match - he is strong, flexible and determined and he doesn't give up easily. Highly recommended.
Exige is recommended by CodyNoLove (9/16/2011)
In realtà la data indicata qui è effettivamente quella del primo incontro, a cui ne sono seguiti svariati nel corso degli anni, uno più avvincente e competitivo dell'altro.
Lui è lo sparring partner ideale di cui in palestra non ti stancheresti mai: leale (almeno finché si decide di esserlo entrambi 😈), tecnicamente fortissimo, resistente, capace di dare filo da torcere anche ai lottatori più esperti. Dopo aver preso un bel po' di legnate, per il prossimo incontro gli ho finalmente imposto lo striking, che - di sicuro e per ovvie ragioni - mi appartiene di più... vedremo che succederà (restate sintonizzati per le prossime puntate 😏). Fuori dal tatami/ring... beh, col kaiser che mi pronuncio, sennò si monta la testa 😜 Se però, dopo 13 anni, non mi sono stancato di frequentarlo, evidentemente la qualità della persona è ALMENO pari a quella del fighter. Vi auguro di poterle testare entrambe, se ne avrete il privilegio (e, intanto, vi consiglio di provarci) 🔥
P.S. Occhio, gioca molto con l'understatement: in questo non gli date retta, è un avversario molto ma molto più arduo di quanto si sforzi di sembrare.
P.P.S. Attenzione anche alla complicità mentale che - come fighter e come persona - è in grado di instaurare di volta in volta: può creare dipendenza.