Match Request

luchadormachomurcia: Pelea de todo tipo y buen rollo
COVID-19 risk:
Spain, near Murcia
I'm looking for people to fight, train and get to know, have fun and have fun. Serious people determined and willing, not dizzy or ghosts. I have room and we can come to an agreement to host.
Busco gente para pelear entrenar y conocer, pasarlo bien y divertirnos. Gente seria decidida y dispuesta, no mareantes o fantasmas. Tengo sitio y podemos llegar a un acuerdo para hospedar
COVID-19 risk:
Last time tested for COVID-19: Not specified
Number of countries visited in the past 6 months: Not specified
List of countries visited in the past 14 days: Not specified
Number of countries visited in the past 6 months: Not specified
List of countries visited in the past 14 days: Not specified