Several wrestlers have contacted me lately, wanting to have a proper wrestle with me. I don't know whether they have read my profile properly or whether I have not made myself clear on my profile, but I am only interested in 'pretend' wrestling, meaning I like acting out old pro wrestling scenarios like those of WoS. I am wondering if it is just me who is interested in this kind of activity, or whether I am in the minority on this site. I realise that some think I might be weird for liking this kind of activity, but this is completely harmless and totally pain-free and non-violent. I hope I will be reassured that there are some people out there who also like this particular kind of wrestling.
Hi Quietone, rest assured you're not alone in your enjoyment of the non-violent, pain-free, pretend wrestling. I've always been a huge fan of World of Sport wrestling - I love all the Grunt n Groan action - whether it's 2 evenly matched guys trading holds in a good, clean match, a bigger vs smaller guy in complete squash match or nasty heel beating on a helpless jobber - they're all great to re-enact with all the verbal interaction that goes with it.
Always up for a bout if you're interested.
Seconds away....
Hi quietone, I have to agree with you in every respect, I love pretend wrestling and acting out the old pro style wrestling. I love to be put in all the holds and pretending they are really hurting me and I am working very hard to withstand the pain, I love making all the grunt and groin noises, banging on the canvas and shouting NO. REF. AHHGG, NO,NO, also I love to pretend I'm putting the holds on and make it look like I'm forcing them on as hard as I can, I wish we could meet
Quietone (1)
9/09/2017 5:48 PMSeveral wrestlers have contacted me lately, wanting to have a proper wrestle with me. I don't know whether they have read my profile properly or whether I have not made myself clear on my profile, but I am only interested in 'pretend' wrestling, meaning I like acting out old pro wrestling scenarios like those of WoS. I am wondering if it is just me who is interested in this kind of activity, or whether I am in the minority on this site. I realise that some think I might be weird for liking this kind of activity, but this is completely harmless and totally pain-free and non-violent. I hope I will be reassured that there are some people out there who also like this particular kind of wrestling.
Warkscub (81)
9/25/2017 8:58 PM(In reply to this)
Hi Quietone, rest assured you're not alone in your enjoyment of the non-violent, pain-free, pretend wrestling. I've always been a huge fan of World of Sport wrestling - I love all the Grunt n Groan action - whether it's 2 evenly matched guys trading holds in a good, clean match, a bigger vs smaller guy in complete squash match or nasty heel beating on a helpless jobber - they're all great to re-enact with all the verbal interaction that goes with it.
Always up for a bout if you're interested.
Seconds away....
wristlock (13)
9/25/2017 8:34 PM(In reply to this)
Hi quietone, I have to agree with you in every respect, I love pretend wrestling and acting out the old pro style wrestling. I love to be put in all the holds and pretending they are really hurting me and I am working very hard to withstand the pain, I love making all the grunt and groin noises, banging on the canvas and shouting NO. REF. AHHGG, NO,NO, also I love to pretend I'm putting the holds on and make it look like I'm forcing them on as hard as I can, I wish we could meet