Pin lovers

Would someone Grapevine me please.

Beave101 (9)

1/28/2019 9:44 PM

Yes grapevines are hot pins. Love seeing a guy graped


jfern009 (0 )

1/26/2019 1:35 AM

Being in a grapevine and being forcibly grinded on is one of my dreams..


buchisd (8)

2/14/2019 5:46 AM

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My favorite hold to put on my opponent while frotting/grinding.


NorthPole (6)

2/05/2019 12:35 AM

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It would be a treat to do this to you jfern009...


jfern009 (0 )

2/08/2019 12:29 AM

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<3 that’d be hot


j50yomuscle (2)

2/14/2019 4:35 AM

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I'd like to grapevine you too.


jfern009 (0 )

2/14/2019 5:18 AM

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The more the merrier :)


Beave101 (9)

1/28/2019 9:46 PM

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Bet you put a lot of people in grapevines in high school and college


jfern009 (0 )

1/28/2019 9:54 PM

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you know I had to ;)


Beave101 (9)

1/28/2019 10:33 PM

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I think the hardest part would be trying to hide the hard on you would have from you opponent the ref and everyone else. Those tight singlets don't hide much


mochablk (21)

1/26/2019 3:29 AM

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Would love to trade grapevines with you.


Ebsteel (4)

1/28/2019 12:49 PM

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Who you telling, if I was still in the game and in your'd only have to ask 1 time big bro.


Ebsteel (4)

1/18/2019 3:57 PM

Nothing like a hot grapevine or crotch ride with another spandex clad BIG man.


handto 2000 (11)

1/17/2019 10:32 PM

It is a battle of the bulges.


LisbonWrestler (39)

1/17/2019 4:31 PM

My favorite hold
A grapevine battle to see who ends victorious mounted on his foe


commandertc (76)

1/17/2019 8:00 PM

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How a battle since you are already on top grinding away.. the guy on the bottom can't move


LisbonWrestler (39)

1/18/2019 12:57 AM

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There s always room for reversal, mate...


commandertc (76)

1/18/2019 1:07 AM

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Not really mate if top guy has it locked in unless top guy wants a reversal to get some time on bottom which is just as hot as top


LisbonWrestler (39)

1/18/2019 4:06 PM

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I escaped grapevines before by reversing.


commandertc (76)

1/18/2019 4:19 PM

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Yes but you are the master of grapevines and because you are gorgeous I am sure the guy on top of you didn't mind you reversing it


greekwrestler (75)

1/19/2019 1:54 PM

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lisbon is the best in grapevines


Pinner (0)

1/15/2019 1:34 PM

I like to be in a very tight grapevine so it hurts , then you can rub an grind me very hard and very fast, I will arch myself so I can rub you hard as i can, me and you are going to be so red and so sore 😈 Our minds will be locked together in orgasm.
Can you help me please , I am desperate to be grapevined by YOU. I will dominate you in my grapevine pin rub if that is what you desire as well.


j50yomuscle (2)

2/14/2019 4:36 AM

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You need me.


mochablk (21)

1/15/2019 4:20 PM

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Wish I could cum over there and do it! My favorite hold!


Pinner (0)

1/16/2019 5:32 PM

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I will imagine me and you lo ked together in a grapevine orgasm

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