Pin lovers

I want to be pinned

planted pinned (48)

1/20/2019 5:28 AM

The limp rollover is awesome, especially after a piledriver. Cover up that loser and count to a hundred... long pins rock.


FloridaGrown (6)

1/20/2019 12:56 PM

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Love that... ESPECIALLY if the Jobber is twitching after the driver... Belly to belly, cross body, no hooked leg. Cocky all the way. Yank up before 3! 💪💪💪


Smitty Jensen (0)

1/11/2019 7:16 AM

KO’d and rolled over to a spread eagle position with my opponent putting his/her body on mine, hook of the leg, and a long, slow pin count to at least 10. Bit you ain’t getting off that easy. This will be a give take situation. I’m not a complete jobber and will definitely win a few rounds


Jcj0033 (0)

1/19/2019 2:45 PM

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That’s hot


Navelboy (0)

1/16/2019 6:59 PM

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Ever travel to Buffalo? Would love to do this to you?


planted pinned (48)

1/20/2019 5:32 AM

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Same here man.


Smitty Jensen (0)

1/16/2019 8:54 PM

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I’ve never been to Buffalo, but if i ever make my way up there I’ll be sure to keep you in mind


Reco11 (6)

1/12/2019 10:42 AM

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Same here! Great post.

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