Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

T-Girl Wrestler

micker (1)

10/02/2022 10:10 AM

You live in America so I wouldn't be able to realistically sort this out. However would you do a lift and carry session with someone. I would be interested in watching that. Either a woman lifts you or you lift a male. Thanks


big belly art (0)

9/20/2022 11:17 AM

what would you charge me for a gut punching fight ?


jed7720 (13)

9/21/2022 8:49 PM

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Hay Mates. I have belly/stomach/gut punching sessions (totally receiving) with MMA fighters and body builders from "Session girls" They all charge about 400/hr + tips. I keep a list of who punches hardest. And who doesn't.


lexihart90 (0)

9/20/2022 11:32 PM

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For you to be in it or watch a video of it?


big belly art (0)

9/20/2022 11:37 PM

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maybe both


lexihart90 (0)

9/19/2022 5:30 AM

Hi all!

My name's Lexi. As the title states, I'm a trans woman who's into wrestling& catfighting. I've had a few matches in the past , but none that were filmed. However! I'm hoping to change that. Feel free to subscribe to my channel over on watchfighters: https://www.watchfighters.com/channels/violentviolets/about
I've been working towards becoming a bigger part of the fetish wrestling community for the last few years as THE first trans woman to do so. Dare I say in a way that my name is well known like Nadege, Helen Von Mott, etc.

I primarily wrestle women based in the US. But I am open to having matches with SANE, rational men who show nothing but respect and patience when talking with me. I think some on here don't fully understand that meeting for a match is all about trust and respect- even if you're both there to kick each other's asses.

So yeah. Feel free to hit me up. I don't travel at the moment , so please keep that in mind.


celtwrestle (47 )

9/23/2022 2:39 AM

(In reply to this)

Wow. Fantastic. Best of luck in your endeavours.
community forms the bedrock of success.
I have not been up against a trans person in combat yet, but it’s on my list.


john el (15)

9/20/2022 3:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Wish I was close, I'd love to do some vids. Been wanting to, just nobody around here seems willing.
Won or lose for hot art it's all good.

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