As is the case every year, in most places in the USA, the summer doldrums have set into the wrestling/grappling scene – making it more difficult for most or all of us to find folks to train with, to compete against, to learn with. Be good for those of us with more spare time to step up and offer ourselves as potential training partners, competitors, to help fill that gap – which can be very pronounced locally, even in better parts of the year.
Being retired, and having a well padded matroom here in Arlington VA, I have both the time and the place to offer to help close the gap. Might not be the best grappler here, by far; but at just shy being in the top two percent in the past opponent tally for the entire site, I reckon I can be decent at both training and competing with you – and if you are a newbie, by providing some instruction, as I have done for ScrimmageJock, Just_Dan, and others.
This offer goes out to every man in the group; and sometimes can host more than one at a time provided all present agree to take on everyone else, one at a time – so no one is left out of the action. I expect full inclusion by and for all present. No other obligation other than to be respectful of everyone, friendly, sober, clean, safe. Both an offer and a challenge.
Anyone else with time and space, feel free to put up a similar posting here, as the Mid-Atlantic area sorely needs more action.
PS Am not good at boxing; but I'll do what I can (no head shots) – and maybe you can help me with this.
PPS: Any help in finding local area site members into wrestle/grapple with during these "dry spells" would be greatly appreciated :) Same goes for judo/TKD/BJJ, Etc.–for whom the dry spell is year round.
Spruceman (55)
6/18/2018 12:06 AMAs is the case every year, in most places in the USA, the summer doldrums have set into the wrestling/grappling scene – making it more difficult for most or all of us to find folks to train with, to compete against, to learn with. Be good for those of us with more spare time to step up and offer ourselves as potential training partners, competitors, to help fill that gap – which can be very pronounced locally, even in better parts of the year.
Being retired, and having a well padded matroom here in Arlington VA, I have both the time and the place to offer to help close the gap. Might not be the best grappler here, by far; but at just shy being in the top two percent in the past opponent tally for the entire site, I reckon I can be decent at both training and competing with you – and if you are a newbie, by providing some instruction, as I have done for ScrimmageJock, Just_Dan, and others.
This offer goes out to every man in the group; and sometimes can host more than one at a time provided all present agree to take on everyone else, one at a time – so no one is left out of the action. I expect full inclusion by and for all present. No other obligation other than to be respectful of everyone, friendly, sober, clean, safe. Both an offer and a challenge.
Anyone else with time and space, feel free to put up a similar posting here, as the Mid-Atlantic area sorely needs more action.
PS Am not good at boxing; but I'll do what I can (no head shots) – and maybe you can help me with this.
Spruceman (55)
6/18/2018 3:25 AM(In reply to this)
PPS: Any help in finding local area site members into wrestle/grapple with during these "dry spells" would be greatly appreciated :) Same goes for judo/TKD/BJJ, Etc.–for whom the dry spell is year round.