Start getting involved with the names that you would like to wrestle and workout with. We have a lot of wrestling events in Oakland Park. You do not even say where you are moving down too when you come to know what the distance is. Florida is a very large state. Dean ////
I have been chatting with others already in FL and on my drive down too since I am getting a pod to move. I also atated it will be in the spring of 2022 and the areas I will be looking. I am very familiar with the state have been in the pan handle area down to Key West. I used to work out of an office in Boca Raton
What we need to do is to have more action and see how people want to participate. Start off with one on ones and then build into a group. I have done 3 successful wrestling groups and it can be done again. Send your interest to me at and be sincere about it and see how many people we really have. This is on going, so no maatter when you receive this message, please write. Dean
Most of the people that say they are moving down never move down so we will wait for that to happen. Personally its been 70% of them never follow through or they move to Florida that is way too far away. Its a very long state with lots of miles in between, over 1000 miles from tip to tip. Dean
Out of towners are more than welcome to come, Please send me your email address, phone number optional, and when you will be in the South Florida area, dates would be great. THanks. Dean ( out of the area means anything north of West Palm Beach . then, in the state of Florida, then out of state, but in the USA, then all over the world are welcomed)
thanks. Dean 954-588-1209 from 9am to 10pm PLease respect the EST policy. thanks. Dean
If you are interested in starting up a club, please send your first name, email address, and the phone number is optional if you want to send it to me at and see how many people we can get together. Like to know how discrete people need to be also. Thanks. Dean 954-588-1209 from 9am to 10pm. Please respect the hours. thanks. Dean
LOL. Good luck with that. There isn’t any commitment in good ol Fort Lauderdale and hasn’t been. We had a club and a teacher at one time that failed from lack of participation. Then a ring and mats were available in a more private space than the club that was held at a high school and that didn’t work either. So many full of shit people
You got that right. I am going to meet people one on one, and see what the availability time is and then what they like. With the no attitude kind of club its not going to be easy at all. Its hard just meeting people one on one.
Checking each guy out and seeing if they would be good for the club and putting it together. SO your first step would be getting here on occasions, trying it out the first time and seeing hyow it goes. Dean
I would be interested in starting a gay wrestling club, here in Fort Lauderdale. I have mats, I have a pool, and can make it into a membership thing or a one time thing to off set some of the expenses. Tell me what you think. Write me on here if you are interested or write me at Dean
I would be interested in joining. Thanks for floating the idea again.
My only reservation is that since I'm based in Coral Gables, getting to FTL on a regular basis might not be doable. Still, I would make an effort to participate, should we manage to get something up and running.
We have one going but I do not hear from you. Its going great and we meet on a monthly or semi monthly basis. Next one is this Friday from Noon to 5 pm in Oakland Park, Fort Lauderdale Florida. Ask for information with your email address or text and send your email address and I can send info that way too.. thanks. Dean 954-588-1209
I have been trying to set up a wrestling club here in fort lauderdale, but as yourself, you know its hard to get to it. Thats all I hear is people that want to start something when they dont have time to start something. Its Ironic the 4 people that are asking for a club never have time, and I train 2 of the 3 guys. LOL Dean
headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )
11/08/2021 7:01 PMI would once I am moved down in 2022
FlDean2012 (119 )
12/02/2021 3:50 PM(In reply to this)
Start getting involved with the names that you would like to wrestle and workout with. We have a lot of wrestling events in Oakland Park. You do not even say where you are moving down too when you come to know what the distance is. Florida is a very large state. Dean ////
headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )
12/02/2021 6:37 PM(In reply to this)
I have been chatting with others already in FL and on my drive down too since I am getting a pod to move. I also atated it will be in the spring of 2022 and the areas I will be looking. I am very familiar with the state have been in the pan handle area down to Key West. I used to work out of an office in Boca Raton
FlDean2012 (119 )
5/24/2021 1:07 PMWhat we need to do is to have more action and see how people want to participate. Start off with one on ones and then build into a group. I have done 3 successful wrestling groups and it can be done again. Send your interest to me at and be sincere about it and see how many people we really have. This is on going, so no maatter when you receive this message, please write. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
11/09/2021 5:15 AM(In reply to this)
Most of the people that say they are moving down never move down so we will wait for that to happen. Personally its been 70% of them never follow through or they move to Florida that is way too far away. Its a very long state with lots of miles in between, over 1000 miles from tip to tip. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
3/05/2021 4:32 PMAnyone on this list that is interested, please contact me at I am based in fort Lauderdale Florida.
FlDean2012 (119 )
3/05/2021 4:20 PMSounds good. If ever in the Fort lauderdale area, let me know, and will do the same for your area. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/19/2019 3:33 PMtoo many emails coming in at to answer on this club thing. please slow down guys.
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/18/2019 4:02 PMOut of towners are more than welcome to come, Please send me your email address, phone number optional, and when you will be in the South Florida area, dates would be great. THanks. Dean ( out of the area means anything north of West Palm Beach . then, in the state of Florida, then out of state, but in the USA, then all over the world are welcomed)
thanks. Dean 954-588-1209 from 9am to 10pm PLease respect the EST policy. thanks. Dean
Lanier (8)
7/19/2019 12:09 PM(In reply to this)
We need this in our area. Please do it. Thanks
FlDean2012 (119 )
5/24/2021 1:28 AM(In reply to this)
Hope we can wrestle soon. Dean Im vaccinated. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/19/2019 3:25 PM(In reply to this)
Did you send in your email address and phone number to me like it said to do?
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/18/2019 7:08 AMIf you are interested in starting up a club, please send your first name, email address, and the phone number is optional if you want to send it to me at and see how many people we can get together. Like to know how discrete people need to be also. Thanks. Dean 954-588-1209 from 9am to 10pm. Please respect the hours. thanks. Dean
JJHartFL (36)
7/17/2019 8:46 AMLOL. Good luck with that. There isn’t any commitment in good ol Fort Lauderdale and hasn’t been. We had a club and a teacher at one time that failed from lack of participation. Then a ring and mats were available in a more private space than the club that was held at a high school and that didn’t work either. So many full of shit people
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/18/2019 6:08 AM(In reply to this)
Its time for the new people to come out and shine and see what we can be formed. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/17/2019 3:20 PM(In reply to this)
You got that right. I am going to meet people one on one, and see what the availability time is and then what they like. With the no attitude kind of club its not going to be easy at all. Its hard just meeting people one on one.
Ryaryab (23)
7/15/2019 8:37 PMIf you set one up, I would definitely be interested in joining.
FlDean2012 (119 )
5/24/2021 1:29 AM(In reply to this)
lets wrestle
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/17/2019 6:11 AM(In reply to this)
Doing one on ones first.
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/16/2019 5:30 AM(In reply to this)
Checking each guy out and seeing if they would be good for the club and putting it together. SO your first step would be getting here on occasions, trying it out the first time and seeing hyow it goes. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/14/2019 8:06 PMI would be interested in starting a gay wrestling club, here in Fort Lauderdale. I have mats, I have a pool, and can make it into a membership thing or a one time thing to off set some of the expenses. Tell me what you think. Write me on here if you are interested or write me at Dean
USLutador (29)
7/15/2019 7:27 PM(In reply to this)
I would be interested in joining. Thanks for floating the idea again.
My only reservation is that since I'm based in Coral Gables, getting to FTL on a regular basis might not be doable. Still, I would make an effort to participate, should we manage to get something up and running.
Shbwrestler (8)
1/28/2019 5:23 AMI like the idea of a wrestling club.
FlDean2012 (119 )
5/24/2021 1:30 AM(In reply to this)
lets wrestle soon. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/15/2019 5:19 PM(In reply to this)
HOw can you like the idea of a wrestling club, if you are never free to wrestle? I do not understand, help. Dean
brawlermanflorida (3)
1/30/2019 9:08 PM(In reply to this)
def interested
FlDean2012 (119 )
5/24/2021 1:30 AM(In reply to this)
Lets wrestle soon.
chuckinftl (2)
1/28/2019 12:23 AMHi new to this site and would enjoy a wrestling club of some sort . Any ideas ?
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/15/2019 5:19 PM(In reply to this)
Been trying to start one for a long time and now another guy is trying too. Dean
WrestleFlexFTL (0)
1/12/2019 10:52 PMMe too , let me know if one starts please
Cocky Rassler (10)
1/12/2019 2:18 PMI would be interested in a gay wrestling club
FlDean2012 (119 )
12/01/2021 6:41 PM(In reply to this)
We have one going but I do not hear from you. Its going great and we meet on a monthly or semi monthly basis. Next one is this Friday from Noon to 5 pm in Oakland Park, Fort Lauderdale Florida. Ask for information with your email address or text and send your email address and I can send info that way too.. thanks. Dean 954-588-1209
FlDean2012 (119 )
5/24/2021 1:31 AM(In reply to this)
A club would be nice but people would need to show up when they say they are coming in order for that club to work. Dean
FlDean2012 (119 )
7/15/2019 5:21 PM(In reply to this)
I have been trying to set up a wrestling club here in fort lauderdale, but as yourself, you know its hard to get to it. Thats all I hear is people that want to start something when they dont have time to start something. Its Ironic the 4 people that are asking for a club never have time, and I train 2 of the 3 guys. LOL Dean