Father vs Son Wrestling

Fights/matches w/REAL biological father, brother, uncle

hairychestcowboy (7 )

6/01/2022 3:48 PM

Get him drunk. Dad do all sorts of shit when drunk. lol


Classicprofan (0 )

6/01/2022 4:45 PM

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True enough!


matttmann (0)

1/08/2022 8:22 PM

My dad never wrestled to my knowledge but he boxed. Was in GG and kept both a speed bag and heavy bag in the basement. I used to go down there and pretend I was looking for something just so I could watch him. He always encouraged me to box but being it was already such a turn on, I hesitated.


PacNWBulldog (55)

1/09/2022 12:16 AM

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I understand. I am sorry you did not allow him to coach/teach you as with me I have a lifetime worth of memories.



1/09/2022 1:08 AM

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it's unfortunate that you & i did not meet when i lived in seattle. back then, as i recall, seattle wrestlers were full of talk, but when it came time to try to meet, i was either too far away (in west seattle), or too close (for those IN west seattle).


PacNWBulldog (55)

1/09/2022 3:53 AM

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My last 10 years in Seattle area were 5 on Bainbridge and 5 inPuyallup. I had mats and could have been a regular opponent for you. 🥲😪😂



3/10/2022 9:01 PM

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gee, and my last two years in the puget sound area i lived in tacoma, even closer to puyallup.


Classicprofan (0 )

1/05/2022 4:30 AM

True story…I grew up with a father who was a ravenous pro wrestling fan..I loved to watch him watching jobber heel matches because he would really get into it- yelling and cursing and punching etc…and always cheering for the heel….anyway..when I was in college I found an old underground type wrestling magazine at a bookstore and I realized then that pro wrestling was a fetish for some guys…and it piqued my interest!
I went to my father and told him about the magazine and that I wanted to explore all the subtext that pro wrestling had to offer…and I asked him if he could offer some “insight “….he agreed and let me into his “secret” world of pro wrestling which included magazines and videos he had hidden away in a foot locker, amazing stories of things he had seen and done…and his wild imagination on what was really going on before, during and after the matches.. …he and I watched jobber heel matches together for several years until he passed…
And that my friends is why I’m obsessed with pro wrestling to this day…..paging Dr. Freud!


Lancerwrestler (87)

3/10/2022 6:55 PM

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This sounds like an awesome relationship to have


PacNWBulldog (55)

1/05/2022 12:31 PM

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Glad you could share your mutual interest with your dad. Did you ever wrestle (even playfully) with your dad after discovering your mutual interest?

Still think it is cool you had that bonding time even if you could not have the physical interaction.


Classicprofan (0 )

1/05/2022 1:52 PM

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We would show each other our favorite moves)



1/05/2022 2:11 PM

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and what moves did you show each other?


Classicprofan (0 )

1/05/2022 2:50 PM

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Anything we liked- I won’t go into too much detail but he was very open minded


BamaJDon41 (10 )

1/05/2022 6:52 AM

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Now that sounds hot. An ideal wrestling/father relationship.


Classicprofan (0 )

1/05/2022 1:53 PM

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It was amazing



12/30/2021 1:30 PM

It seems like I recall a tv match between Bob Armstrong and Brad Armstrong, sometime in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Does anyone else remember seeing it?


PacNWBulldog (55)

12/30/2021 10:33 PM

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Yes I remember seeing it, but do not remember the year.



12/31/2021 12:19 AM

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i think it was a draw, but if either won, it would have been bob.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

12/31/2021 2:17 AM

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They were usually a tag team.



12/31/2021 2:58 AM

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Usually, yes. But they did wrestle against each other once.


James (12 )

12/29/2021 3:34 PM

My dad and I used to wrestle a bit as kids but nothing genuine.

When I was 18, I found out my uncle was a black belt in some martial art and practiced MMA. He let me wrestle around with him a lot. I was maybe 125 pounds, him closer to 250 or so. Big muscle man. Showed me a bunch of submission holds, even managed to make him tap once.

I also asked him to box, which would have been a mistake had he not been so hot. He took me out back and drew a 'ring' in the grass. Tossed me a pair of gloves and squared up. I'd never boxed before but he showed me how to hold my gloves. He was nice about it, letting me get a few shots in. But since I was 18, he swung without mercy.

Fight started off in the middle of the ring. He guarded his face and left his musclegut open. I sent a few punches there, he grunted and moved forward. I moved back. More punches that didn't phase the big guy as he moved forward. Before long, we were at the edge of the ring, which was the back wall of his shed. I tried to circle out, with my guard down, but he made sure to punish that with a pretty nasty hook to the jaw. Since my guard was down, he took advantage with a nice straight to the face and a hook-uppercut to my body.

As an untrained string bean, taking 4 heavy blows from a muscle beast twice your weight is a lot. I did manage to get out of the corner, but I stung bad, and he must have thought I looked pretty dazed. I sent a few more to his body and he just laughed. Said for my safety we should call it quits and go back inside.

Went down to his basement and he showed me a bit more. Let me work his heavybag, then offered to let me work his gut. I kid you not, it was harder than the heavybag.

I wanted to come back for more, but he was always on the road (trucker). Didn't get another chance to fight him before he divorced my aunt, and I've never heard from him since.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

12/30/2021 5:35 AM

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Great memories. Even if it was just once.


rassler (4)

12/27/2021 4:24 PM

I'm not into prostyle but this is a good match between real father and son.


mikey3458 (25 )

12/30/2021 7:27 AM

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Nice father don match. I had a few matches that always started off nice, friendly but soon into the match that changed. I was wrestling high school buddy Joe Jr. and his dad Joe Sir. Joe and I enjoyed wrestling each other but soon his dad started joining in once in a while. We didnt mind, he gave us beer to drink. Lol. We would strip down to our white briefs after a few beers. They would tag team, I knew they would wrestle each other when I wasnt there, so me being there gave them a chance to work together. I was more then fine with that, I was always a jobber. But after a while they would start the double teaming and before you knew it they stopped tagging in and out. Yes all 3 of us would get hard and little Joe and I often shot a load or 2 while wrestling. There were plenty of punches to my stomach as well as hit to my groin and Jor Sir know how to head punch me without leaving marks. He also enjoyed he me cry out. Matches were very long and hard, but I, we all seemed to enjoy it. If you want more details or have questions dont hesitate to private message me.


austrianguy (4 )

12/27/2021 6:47 AM

So, I had some realy hot sexfights with my real and hot uncle.
If anyone whats to know more about this, then send me a privat message.


PacNWBulldog (55)

12/27/2021 12:22 AM

I used to wrestle my biological father in high school until about age 25. He was 6'1", 265 with a big furry chest and strong legs. I was 6' 3", 225 with a little fuzz on my 46" chest, and equally strong legs.

The first time I beat him in freestyle I was 16, and after that we wrestled less often. After that I guess I was "man enough" so we then wrestled submission and/or pinfalls, often getting in great sweaty long workouts, best of 5 or 7 to determine the winner.


Combattant78 (20)

5/29/2022 2:57 AM

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Was it exciting to fight with your father when you were young ?


hairychestcowboy (7 )

6/01/2022 3:49 PM

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My dad and i would wrestle all the time. it was amazing.


rassler (4)

12/27/2021 4:23 PM

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You were both big guys! Must have been great to wrestle together. More details about your matches?


NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)

12/23/2021 7:26 PM

Interested in hearing from men who have wrestled or fought their REAL biological father. Also men whose father liked it when his son(s) watched him fight or wrestle other men and even set up matches and encouraged his sons to watch, especially if the fight was with an uncle. Also interested in guys who have wrestled their brothers in front of their dad.


rassler (4)

12/26/2021 5:41 PM

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I would also be much interested in real fathers and sons telling us about their wrestling matches, that's one of the reasons I started this group many years ago.
Unfortunately only a few members so far shared their memories.
By the way, did you have such an experience?

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