

CrushingMuscle (6)

1/03/2018 5:57 PM

Loved that story! The thought of slowly being crushed in the powerful coils of muscle is erotic!


BearhugAddict (3)

12/30/2017 7:11 AM

Fantastic, wish I could find a beast capable of such a slow incremental crush!


panther2016 (6)

12/28/2017 5:20 AM

I loved the banter of the big guy talking about the percentage of power he was putting into his bearhug. More of that please. Loved this.


ChrisWrestling (59 )

12/28/2017 4:41 AM

What have I gotten myself into? To be fair, I have been posting on meetfighters, globalfight, craigslist, recon, even fetlife for at least a decade now asking for just this, but fuck, am I nervous now.

There he is, undressing casually like he's with his husband after a long day at work, ready to hop into bed, no big deal. I can't read him at all. Has he noticed me struggling to navigate my shirt? I am such a fucked up mess right now, what the hell is wrong with me?

We did the thing, we met for dinner, we talked, he's sweet and gentle toned, he smiles a lot and took an interest in my side stories which were meant to avoid talking about just this.

Oh fuck, oh Fuck, oh FUCK!

There he is, unwrapping those muscle. Natural, huge, and beautiful just as promised and here I am with butterflies in my stomach. Butterflies or an overactive bladder, I can't tell which. Is it too late to back out of this?

And there goes the pants. He's wearing his singlet like underwear and as he pulls the shoulder straps up I wiggles those legs. I've seen legs like those cracking open honeydew melons. No, not like those, the legs I've seen do that are usually more like smooth flesh columns, some definition but also some fat... these had no fat. They had to have been as big as my waist and they had long lumps running up and down, each individual muscle looked like it was fighting for space on the bone, every sinewy fiber visible through the skin.

... I am going to die.

I dropped my pants but unlike my new friend my singlet was already up and despite my nerves so was my penis. He noticed and flashed me a smile and I looked away awkwardly.

He must have known that my nerves were on fire and that I could chicken out at any moment because he didn't give me the chance to change my mind. He was on me like a bear trap. His hands slipped under my arm pits and before I knew it I was off the ground and my back popped at least thirty times in rapid succession.

In a flash that kind, beefy, handsome gentleman was gone and what replaced him was a cruel sadistic beast of pure power. Though my eyes were clamped shut as I tensed against his pressure I could hear the full toothed grin spread across his face. He flexed hard and drew his arms tighter into my back. My mouth creaked open and a gasp of air left in a whisper.

"Any guesses into how much effort I'm putting into this little squeeze, boy?" He asked and added what felt like another 50lbs of pressure and another gasp left my mouth. I was sure my lungs were empty now. "No? Not a single guess?" Another 50 lbs and even more air I didn't know I had went from my lungs. "That's about a quarter of what I can do. This is just a light warm up for me, boy, now, what do you think about that?"

He didn't tighten again, at least not just yet. It was becoming painfully clear that he meant it when he told me that if we were doing this there would be no tapping, no submissions. He had me for at least an hour one way or another.

I opened my eyes and looked back into his face and I was right, he was wearing a full toothed grin and it scared me. His eyes didn't show an ounce of kindness anymore. I was looking back into the face of the real beast that I had handed a blank check. A check he had fully intended on cashing all over my body.

It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't breathed in a single time since he picked me up an eternity ago so I made my best effort to take in a breath. His grin widened as he forced even more air out of my body but I was determined to get some oxygen in. I forced my diaphragm down but probably only got a teaspoon of air and I started to panic. I tried to get my arms between us to build a frame and create some space and he pumped arms suddenly which felt like getting hit by a school bus.

"No" he said with amusement.

In my head this was going to be an hour or two of a slow burn squeeze. He was going to give me a warm up, a minor taste of what he could do. We were going to laugh a bit, chat a bit, and we'd work our way up to an intense squeeze when I was ready. I might even playfully fight him off a bit, maybe escape but in the end he would win and we'd both get what we came for. He would torture me a bit but not too much, I would suffer well. Maybe I should have communicated that a bit better because it was definitely not what was happening now.

His eyes looked more empty than I had remembered them. They were like a snake's eyes looking back into mine. That maniacal grin never left his face. If there was one thing he didn't want it was me fighting back, not that it would do me much good. What he was looking for was a rag doll to play with. This opening bearhug was not intended to prepare me or give me a taste, it was intended to wear me down. There was no mercy to be found here, no slow burn, nothing.

He tightened a little more but at this point I couldn't register whether or not I was any more miserable or in any more pain. This time no more air left my lungs but my mouth hung open just the same.

A sharp panic came over me and I started to thrash in his arms. He shifted his hips in anticipation of what was to come and he did it just in time. My leg swung at where the space between his legs was and missed it's mark. My leg passed in front of both of this legs. My arms desperately went for his face and his pressure suddenly doubled. My arms flew up and came down uselessly at my sides. I may have blacked out, I can't be completely sure on that.

He set me down and let go. My legs failed me and I fell to the ground. I panted hard and my head spun a million miles an hour. The room seemed warped and I barely noticed him picking me up a bit to slide his leg under my body. I think he said something but I couldn't make out what it was.

They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but if you ask me, that bitch has nothing on this guys legs. In one big rush it felt like my guts were trying to escape out my throat. My lungs collapsed. My ribs felt like they might snap out and my ears rang loudly. The daze got worse and I felt like I was going to float out of my body.

We agreed, no submissions, but I submitted. I didn't tap but I gave in to the pressure. He owned me. All the fight was gone, all the will to fight was gone. There was a peace like nothing I had ever known. He must have felt or seen the change in me because he let up a bit. He had found what he was looking for. The intensity would sometimes go back up till I didn't think I could take it but it wasn't his intention to break my spirit anymore. Now he was just trying to keep me on edge.

I think I lost my hard on, at least it felt like it was only semi hard every time he groped me. It was no longer living a sexual fantasy, this was better than sex. This was like an orgasm which would never end.

As I lay on the ground he moved on top of me and wrapped his arms around. He piked up and bore his weight down onto my chest as he squeezed with his arms. My mouth opened once more to let all the air escape and I felt nothingness.

The next thing I knew I felt electricity moving up and down my arms which were flopping about uncontrollably. He smiled down at me and kissed me. For a moment I was confused as to how I got there and what was going on and then I realized that I had passed out. I realized that my shorts were wet and so were his. At some point we had both blown our loads.

The guy I met for dinner returned as we got dressed. It was as if the evil sadist had never existed and I watched in a haze as he covered those amazing muscles back up. It had been two hours but they had felt both like an eternity and the blink of an eye. He kissed me one more time as he left to go home.


Denver1 (28)

1/01/2018 8:54 PM

(In reply to this)

Enjoyed it very much! Thank you.


Swenrique (162 )

12/31/2017 7:35 AM

(In reply to this)

Excellently written bud!😉😈


PA Wrestler (48 )

1/02/2018 10:29 AM

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I'm sure this man can recreate the scenes depicted..


leanaussiemuscle (31)

1/01/2018 1:02 PM

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Was that you in the ‘story’

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