Anyone intrepid to take the steps into juicing?

mikey3458 (25 )

12/28/2021 10:36 AM

Any heels into bloodly matches? Jobber here, use a fork on my forehead, then keep it open with chain wrapped fist. Give and take or just destroy this jobber for a few hours/few matches for a nice weekend. I can host guest. Maybe help with travel? I have a professional wrestling ring. Claymont Delaware USA


grovepark4u (7)

8/13/2017 5:11 PM

The Grove Park pro-wrestling ring has solid chains and tag team lanyards available in the red and blue corners. Wrist and neck straps are also available for wrestlers into the rougher end of wrestling submission and pro-style. We even have a barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat for guys who wet themselves for that.

I should add that all of these items are cleaned and bleeched on a regular basis and always before matches. Grove Park is run by a mat-hygiene obsessive!!!

There is coaching there in pro-style wrestling every TUESDAY afternoon at 2PM for two or three hours FREE OF CHARGE so long as you wear trunks.


wrestlerspig (14)

8/14/2017 5:21 AM

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lucky guys in the UK.


BareKnuxUK (2 )

6/18/2017 2:41 AM

So my question is this. If you are willing to wrestle, with chains and whatever.......why wont you box? Bare knuckle box? Allow face shots?
You are happy for someone to hit you in the head with a chain!!!! but not just stand and trade punches?
I do not get this!!


grovepark4u (7)

8/15/2017 1:39 AM

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We have boxers making use of the ring at Grove Park as well.

Some have gone in for the rougher end of boxing I guess and I once had to do first aid on a guy after a boxing match.

Bare knuckle does not happen often and when it does it is sponsored in some way.


Rocket (3 )

7/15/2016 5:22 AM

Come on men. This is what fighters want to know .
Bring on the crazy things we do for fighting..
I have never had an actual fight. I have been beat by men and I bled. So fight and bleed seems like the right idea.


Rocket (3 )

7/13/2016 8:43 AM

Being new to the fighting. I need to ask what exactly is juicing.
It is involved in a rather long tried and may have missed something. I am being new willing to give anything a chance. I don't mind blood in fact it is plus.. The dirtier the fight the better. If it is a street fight even better..
It is not so much about winning or losing for me. It's about the fight. To be called a fighter is the most erotic and sexual name to be called.
I will never say never to a competitive match but it is still just a fight against a fighter.


Rocket (3 )

7/15/2016 5:19 AM

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Having just learned about juicein it seems extreme to me. I therefore would like to jump into the deep fighting world. I do not mind blood at all. I openly request it. I am new to fighting. I am not new to serious rough submission or domination.
I want it on the record. I will bleed when I fight.. If that excites you say hello.... Use me as your personal practice piece of equipment. Object that is kept in the closet and taken out for you and friends to practice hits. The bloody fantastic body is always ready for you. .
I am on the record for juiceing.


LottaPalermo (16 )

12/21/2015 8:41 AM

Anyone from Italy or moving to for a good scrap?


dan barnard (0)

1/08/2016 7:27 PM

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lov to come to italy ao you could beat me up ?


dan barnard (0)

12/22/2015 7:35 PM

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wish i was in Italy mate. id beat you up easy. juice you to.Do you think you could beat me ?


Captainandy (10)

11/10/2015 10:59 PM

Well up for juicing and being juiced. Have had bloody nose, cut lip and eyebrows, also had a fork used. All great stuff!


skinheel (0)

12/20/2015 10:31 PM

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so hot, love fork in bouts! have dream opponents who need a fork!


dan barnard (0)

12/22/2015 7:36 PM

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lov you to juice me and folk me mate


skinheel (0)

1/02/2016 8:43 AM

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oh mad!!!! be hot hardcore bout , no ref!


busted open (5)

1/02/2016 9:41 PM

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No ref, busted open bleeding in the ring, skinheel stalking him with a chained fist aiming for the forehead


Dennis (1)

6/16/2017 3:58 AM

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Have had a strap match and have always wanted to do a chain match. Have juiced and been juiced, but unfortunately those matches are rare. Head butts are great for opening cuts. Years ago an opponent wanted to introduce biting into our fight; was against it at the time but might consider it now. Never got around to it but former fight buddy wanted to hand cuff or tie our left wrist together with rope with only a foot of leeway. Nothing hotter than having a guy's blood on you.


wrestlerspig (14)

6/16/2017 3:31 PM

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your ideas and plans sound so hot. I envy your opponents.


wrestlerspig (14)

11/07/2016 3:22 PM

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I wish I was in a tag team match with another jobber and you and Skin Heel as the heels working me over together and preventing me from tagging my partner for the entire match with being juiced and hit with foreign objects and punished with dirty tactics from both of you. I hope that happens one day.


skinheel (0)

11/10/2016 7:21 AM

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oh yes pure heaven, man, would relish this bout!!!!!!!!!!


skinheel (0)

11/07/2016 7:48 PM

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oh yes lads, filth heels show no mercy hey busted open!!!!!!!


wrestlerspig (14)

11/08/2016 5:12 AM

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damn lucky lads!


wrestlerspig (14)

11/08/2016 5:12 AM

(In reply to this)

damn lucky lads!


busted open (5)

11/08/2016 2:41 AM

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Right on....I'm in for that match


wrestlerspig (14)

11/08/2016 5:15 AM

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I envy your lucky jobber.


Captainandy (10)

11/07/2016 8:02 PM

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Well up for it fellas, would be hot to have a tag match, work on two jobbers.Don't mind getting opened up myself if you feel like it...


wrestlerspig (14)

11/08/2016 5:14 AM

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I wish I was closer to be your tag team jobber partner.


wrslpro (0)

1/03/2016 9:44 AM

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I want a match with u !


skinheel (0)

12/23/2015 12:44 AM

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oh man we could chat safe juice fun, x love hardcore wrestling,


busted open (5)

12/21/2015 6:49 AM

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Would love to take you on with that fork in your boot....chain in your corner


wrslpro (0)

1/02/2016 1:14 AM

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In want a juice match with busted open!


skinheel (0)

12/21/2015 11:43 PM

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you know man!


dan barnard (0)

12/18/2015 12:08 AM

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mmm lov u to cut and juice me mate


skinheel (0)

12/20/2015 10:33 PM

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oh wow sadistic heel and safe lad likes!


Captainandy (10)

12/18/2015 11:09 PM

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Would be my pleasure. Don't mind getting juiced myself either.


Squashlad (246 )

8/25/2015 9:17 AM

Thanks Tom. I'm keen for more safe juicing in more of my matches, so anyone in or coming to the UK who's interested in a bloody match please get in touch.

I'm fine with being the one doing the bleeding, it needn't be both of us who get juiced if you're wanting to give it a go in a more low-key way. Or you can just watch a blood match if you'd like---some of my wrestling friends like to juice guys for an appreciative audience!


Squashlad (246 )

12/22/2015 10:05 AM

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Next juice match that I'm in will be on 10 January, v. subwrestler2 when he's visiting the UK. He's a very experienced guy, having done professional matches for Movimus, and is very sadistic, so it should be a great beatdown and I'm really pleased to be getting a match with him. Anyone who wants to come along and cheer on the evil heel as he busts me up is very welcome! Just message me or subwrestler2 for details.


Squashlad (246 )

7/13/2016 1:05 AM

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The next chain match in the Grove Park ring will be on Friday 12 August when I'll be being mismatched against a visiting Australian semi-pro wrestler. He's keen to practice his heeling skills and work over a jobber for an audience's viewing enjoyment so if chain matches are your type of match, do come along! (Message me for details.)


LatinChub (3)

11/08/2021 11:56 AM

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Do you have pics of the match?


dan barnard (0)

11/09/2015 12:17 AM

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hi id lov to get cut up in a match


wrslpro (0)

11/20/2015 8:02 AM

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love to do that to you in a match


LA Bull Wrestler (26)

11/10/2015 2:09 AM

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I wish we lived closer buddy!


BrawlinBob (1)

11/13/2015 8:14 PM

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We need to have a good juicer, Chicago.


dan barnard (0)

10/04/2015 9:09 AM

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id lov to whatch a juice match.wht happens thn ? how do you juice a guy? lov to know more guys


wrestlerspig (14)

11/07/2016 3:25 PM

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I hope one day you get to watch me being juiced.


Squashlad (246 )

10/07/2015 1:15 AM

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Great! If you like watching bloody matches, come along to one of the occasional chain matches in the Grove Park ring in South-East London. All juicing fans and chain-match wrestlers welcome!


skinheel (0)

11/15/2015 2:38 PM

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Squashlad (246 )

10/04/2015 12:08 AM

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Thanks to the guys who've juiced me in matches so far. Hoping to get bust open more often, so if juicing's your thing and you're coming to London, please get in touch!


LA Bull Wrestler (26)

10/07/2015 9:23 PM

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Post some of your juice pics buddy! That would be awesome.


Squashlad (246 )

11/07/2015 3:33 AM

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MeetFighters' photo classification rules don't allow "shock photos" (which includes blood and gore) to be publicly posted, but I'm happy to send the pics of my next chain match (probably mid December) privately to anyone who might be interested in this type of match.


Ryno (5)

3/13/2016 6:11 AM

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I'd like to check those pics out if possible.


wrestlerspig (14)

11/07/2016 3:24 PM

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I hope one day you get to post pictures of me Ryno after you have finished working me over.


skinheel (0)

11/15/2015 2:40 PM

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Squashlad (246 )

3/12/2016 12:28 PM

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Great! Send me a message with some dates and let's get a match arranged.


StreetFighter4U (2)

4/13/2016 8:08 PM

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Kick ur ass easy....pussy.


Vikingwrestler (9)

6/18/2015 4:07 PM

Too bad we're not closer.


LA Bull Wrestler (26)

6/18/2015 3:16 PM

I really would like to try juicing with another guy and to make it is as safe as we obviously can (HIV neg here). Want to have both of us bleed and sell the carnage around the context of a chain match / feud.

Big and strong here, sadistic side but nothing you probably can't handle or have fun playing with. I'm in Chicago and can host this. Start off slow, perhaps do this over multiple encounters until we get a rhythm going.

If anyone has advice to share would love to hear but not interested in being preached to by how dangerous this is or how leave it to the pros only.




BrawlinBob (1)

11/13/2015 8:17 PM

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I agree to working it out man to man to keep a chain juice match as safe (and almost sane LOL) as possible. And yes, we both would fight like this understanding that it is dangerous, which is part of the turn on.


BrawlinBob (1)

11/15/2015 5:20 PM

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Does anyone remember DonPhoenix from Great Britain who used to be on this site? I found an active profile for him on another fight website, and it indicates he was on two weeks ago, but you can't send him a msg without paying to belong to the site. The man is in his seventies and indicates he still fights, brawls, body punches, gets into ball busting battles and wants to have his tough muscular bod worked over by guys - and will fight two men at once. My kinda MAN! And chain juice matches must be tame for him as he states he wants to fight men with leather belts - whipping and punching. Now THAT is a brutal fight.


LA Bull Wrestler (26)

12/19/2015 8:39 PM

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Let's "humble him"!


Squashlad (246 )

8/25/2015 9:07 AM

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Would love a match with you Tom!



11/09/2016 12:47 PM

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I would like to fight with you


skinheel (0)

11/10/2016 7:22 AM

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nice, hardcore!!!!!


wrestlerspig (14)

11/09/2016 7:03 PM

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I wish I was closer for a match.


busted open (5)

6/22/2015 7:02 AM

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Right into that...especially in a ring


wrslpro (0)

11/10/2015 10:55 PM

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lets wrestle....what weapons u like in a match ? email me


busted open (5)

12/16/2015 2:23 AM

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Nothing better than a heel packing a hidden foreign object....bring your favorite


Vikingwrestler (9)

12/16/2015 2:26 AM

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A length of chain.


busted open (5)

12/16/2015 2:30 AM

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Perfect....great way to open up a gash and work it over....keep that blood flowing....

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