Pretty boy, Jobber or Heel?

TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/13/2021 5:49 PM

I don't care about facial appearance, I care that it's fun. Now how I come off to my opponents, I don't know if they viewed me as a pretty boy or not. I think I intimidated them a bit, lol.


Lottachubby (10)

6/23/2021 11:04 AM



LA Bull Wrestler (26)

2/10/2021 8:37 PM

Love this denim heel working his blonde opponent over hard.


JimDublin (9 )

9/28/2021 6:20 AM

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Really hot match..this gets blood pumping


bgwrestle (3)

8/23/2021 11:38 PM

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they become a tag team after this and the smaller lad is called Sid scala - have lots of pictures of him - he is so cute - other wrestler is lewis


littleforbigg (3)

8/12/2021 8:22 PM

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Isn’t the pretty boy heel the blond guy, the hapless jobber is darker haired? Made me cringe a bit tbh.
Besides, the heel is too lean for me—6’1/175


kohl (36)

8/07/2021 12:32 PM

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This was great


Gregorio2 (10)

8/07/2021 8:00 AM

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Awesome work by Heel and selling by the jobber - video in the showers post match


TheSqueeze (1)

5/08/2020 2:18 AM

If you want to check out a good looking wrestler currently on the circuit, give Tracer X a chance. I know he is not really a jobber, but he goes against some talented guys and gets put through his paces. I especially like his match with Anthony Henry (08/27/2016)

Both guys are in tight/skimpy gear. Good muscle definition on both, with some impressive moves and displays of strength. The finishing move at the end is well executed (as well as hot)

Some of Tracer X's older stuff shows off a slimmer build while he was younger and his newer stuff is equally entertaining with his more muscular look. He always has great gear and has an impressive collection of hard hitting as well as technical skills.


commandertc (76)

5/07/2020 5:23 AM

Alex wright was the hottest pretty boy jobber !


chispeedo (2)

5/10/2020 11:27 PM

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Agreed. He was hot wearing the leather jacket into the ring, wearing tight red trunks with the waist band of a thong showing after being scooped up into the air for a body slam.
With that head of blond hair, he was everybodies pretty boy jobber! Please log in to view gallery photos.


hellcatedy (49)

5/05/2020 3:37 PM

Growing up watching pro in the 80s, i enjoyed my fair share of pretty boys playing the parts of heels or jobbers. Favorite pretty boy heels would include Rick Rude, Ric Flair, Kevin Kelly, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Paul Roma, and Buff Bagwell. Pretty boy jobbers I loved were Tom Zenk, Tommy Rogers, Jimmy Powers, and Brad Armstrong.


TheSqueeze (1)

3/26/2020 7:35 AM

I am interested to see how everyone else feels about "pretty boys" in pro/indie wrestling. I mean any guy with a cute face that tickles your fancy. Doesn't have to be muscular, big, or have tight gear, just someone that fits your preference.

I want to know if you like to see them as a jobber or heel in a match against any opponent.

I personally like to see them as the heel. It is always nice to see the guy you see more attractive win. This doesn't mean they dominate the whole match. There should always be some back and forth, at least have the jobber gain the upper hand once and get some hope up.

On the other hand, if it doesn't pan out that way, I want to see the pretty boy destroyed. Long held holds, dirty tactics, and a huge slam to leave him sprawled on the mat, clearly not going to continue and waiting to be counted out.

What do you prefer?


headscissors2 (0)

4/10/2020 2:34 PM

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It all depends on the pretty boy I would though a match as long as he would put me into a reverse tombstone and then apply a reverse headscissors then finished with a school boy pin.

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