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Member since 1.7 years
Age 31
Height 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight 170 lbs (77 kg)
Gender Male
Gear Shirtless, and barefoot
Last login yesterday
Last update 10 days ago



Show on map
  1. USA - Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  2. Canada - Quebec, Montreal
    (I'm here between 5/24/2024 and 5/27/2024)
  3. United Kingdom, London
    (I'm here between 6/22/2024 and 6/28/2024)
  4. France, Paris
    (I'm here between 6/29/2024 and 7/07/2024)
    Visiting (maybe visit Switzerland after paris)

Past opponents


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission
No holds barred No holds barred
Boxing Boxing
Kickboxing / Muay thai Kickboxing / Muay thai

Match structure: Give and take, Practicing techniques, Online chatting, Not interested in cyber

Specific wrestling styles: Wrestling with body punches, Mud/oil wrestling

Stand-up fighting: UFC/MMA style matches

Miscellaneous interests: Stakes

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Jackoff, Boxing gear, Naked wrestling, Gut punching, Cock fighting, Foot fetish, Trampling, Face sitting, Muscle worship

Followers of MuayThai92


Looking for masculine dudes for matches. I like to send challenges to see if there’s any interest in meeting. If you’re not interested just view and don’t reply. I’ll make note so that I won’t challenge again by accident.

Matches I prioritize are:
1.Fighting/sparring-(Muaythai,Kickboxing,MMA,Boxing) I don’t consider wrestling or BJJ “fighting”. I’m down for light to hard sparring and I WON’T fight bare fist. This style is my comfort zone if you want me at my best.

2.Wrestling- with body punches, feel free to punch as hard as you like.

3.BJJ- I’m not trained so I CAN’T do any technical matches with you but I’m down to have fun with it.

4.Gutpunch- give, take, or trade (Gloved or bare fist). I’m willing to punch until a guy is on his knees, wether it’s me or you.

5.I’m open to Heel/jobber matches if discussed before meeting.
Heel: You will be a punching bag, nothing more. I have no interest in using holds against jobbers.
Jobber: I’m open to ideas but I will resist and make you work.

If we’re being competitive, I’m open to domination/humiliation stakes. If any of this interests you HMU!


MuayThai92 has no cyber opponents.