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Member since 5.7 years
Age 64
Height 6'4" (193 cm)
Weight 275 lbs (125 kg)
Gender Male
Gear Singlets and shorts
Last login today
Last update 1/07/2023



Show on map
  1. USA - New Jersey, Holmdel Township
  2. USA - New York, City of New York
    My workplace

I am willing to travel 50 miles


Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Judo Judo

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques

Followers of Mazz1203


Always enjoyed pro wrestling and pro fantasy. As a kid growing up in Brooklyn we were big fans of the WWWF. Acted out the matches, loved the old school heel Vs heel or Heel Vs Jobber matches. I was always the big guy, Ernie Ladd, Bruiser Brodie, Billy Graham Character type villain or the dumb jobber that gets pinned by Prof Tanaka or other smaller heels like Mad Dog Vachon or Buzz Sawyer.Miss those "old school" days. Would love to enjoy such old school matches and bring back those days. Not looking to hurt or be hurt just a workout

